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  1. As soon as possible, send all pertinent information via e-mail (, fax (803-737- 0042), or mail, attention Claims Director. If you email the claim information, you should receive an automatic acknowledgement email. If you do not, the claim was not received by the IRF. The sooner we receive this information, the sooner we can begin our investigation.
  2. Generally, if a Tort Claim Form has not been completed (CL-03 in the WORKSHEETS section), we need to know the date of loss, the name, address, and telephone number of the person making the claim, the circumstances regarding the loss (i.e. a slip and fall or vehicle hit pothole), and the damages being claimed.
  3. If possible, photograph the loss location.

Once the claim has been reported to the IRF, an adjuster will be assigned the loss and will make contact with you.

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This link is for general questions only and cannot be used to report a claim, make a Freedom of Information Act Request, increase values on policies, add coverage to policies, or alter coverage.